I started to post several times this week, but realized I had basically nothing to post about. I had pictures I had taken but we really have not done much. The weather was great last week and this week was ok. We had a few warm days and the kids were out playing more than usual. Sunday was a great day as it was warm and sunny and after church Bethany and Tess spent probably 3 hours working on a fairy house. This is something Bethany has enjoyed for years and still does — now Tess is joining in and helping. They spent the entire afternoon working on the house.
While Bethany and Tess made the fairy house, Zola decided to take advantage of the warm weather and so she took the harp out onto the porch and played for an hour or so. Beautiful music on a Sunday afternoon. It is also a nice change to practice outside, I guess.
We had a good school week and I felt good at the end of the week that we had accomplished a great deal. Plus, the kids seemed to enjoy what we were studying. We also managed some art and a little cooking.
Piper has made great strides in the past couple of months. She could hardly write or draw anything at Thanksgiving and now she is actually doing some pretty neat work. It all happened so suddenly. We were starting to wonder if we were going to be able to get her to where she needed to be, but I now have hope that she will start moving ahead. I can hardly believe she drew this picture. I guess it just takes time and sometimes we get anxious that it is taking too long. I am hoping she will continue to learn and move ahead.
I took Luke out back to try to get a cute picture of him with the ducks and realized he did not like them. He would have nothing to do with them so I did not get that cute picture of him with ducks. But, I got this one and he is cute even without ducks.
On another warm day Bethany started another fairy house by herself. She can really get into these houses.
Today I took Bethany to a doll shop as she loves to look at dolls — especially old ones. This place happened to have some old dolls — one was 100 years old. Bethany loved this. There were some really cute little dolls that were not quite that old but still pretty old — dressed little gowns and long dresses. After we did that I went and got Piper, Tess and Bella and took them to the playground. We have not been there in so long. They ran around for an hour before we left to get ice cream and then go home and eat dinner.
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