A New Year

As we move into the new year, the girls are trying out all their new gifts from Christmas – cameras, robots, snap circuits, etc. They also have lots of new books to read. And Bethany has renewed her interest in painting and been working on a few new pictures. She has not painted much for a few months, but seems ready to get back into it again.

We also had something exciting happen. Two of our hens are laying eggs! Probably doesn’t sound very exciting to anyone else, but it was to us. We have been getting two eggs a day since a couple of days after Christmas. We were not expecting any eggs at all until spring so this was quite a surprise for us. Now we are excited about getting a couple more hens in the spring. Tess got a book on chickens for Christmas so she does a lot of reading about them. She never misses a beat taking care of them in the mornings and it has been super cold. She’s out there feeding and watering and cleaning the coop every single morning. Bethany does the night stuff – putting them away. She’s not supposed to clean the coop according to her doctor so she leaves that to Tess and me. But, we all really love having chickens – more than I thought we would.

We are back to school and now ready to dream about warm weather and new chickens and gardens. Aria wants to do a fairy garden this spring and maybe paint some fairy house doors to put on trees. We all have some dreams for what we will do when the weather warms up. But, for now, we can sit and read by the cozy fire and dream and enjoy this cold season. We will read and bake and cook and maybe even renew some of our old hobbies. I’m actually ok with the cold right now. A time to dream.

This last picture is of my youngest grandson, Archie. He’s a really sweet baby and it’s so nice when he visits.

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