We have been fairly busy this past week or so. We have planned gardens and dreamed of chickens, worked in the yard and had many trips to Lowe’s and several nurseries. We have also had a lot of running and playing ball and just outside time since it has finally warmed up. It is nice to have lots of visits from grandkids and sons and daughters. Nice to spend time on the front porch talking and watching the kids play – this is one of my favorite things to do when it is not cold. They all have so much fun playing together.

We got some dirt delivered last week for our gardens. We are changing things around a little and Jonathan (SIL) is building us a few new raised gardens and also putting a fence around them with a covering. We are tired of the deer and squirrels eating everything we plant. We are really excited to get this done. We have talked about it for a few years and now we are actually doing it. I can’t wait to get everything planted. Tess is as excited as I am – she loves gardening and is constantly out taking care of our plants. I just hope we end up with a few vegetables we can eat.

We also had a tree cut down and the kids spent an hour or more watching – first from the deck and then from the family room window when the smaller branches were done and they started to drop the tree.

We have been to Liam’s baseball games, had ice cream with the grandkids on the porch and read and read. We are now reading The Four-Story Mistake by Elizabeth Enright. We like it so much we are reading it for probably the third time. Since it is almost done we know we are reading Then There Were Five by the same author next. This is probably our favorite of the series. They are great books. We actually did not enjoy the first book in the series – The Saturdays. We just could not get into that book, but I’m glad we kept reading the series as it got better and better. We are planning to read and read this summer. School will be out soon and we begin testing this Saturday. Everyone is always glad when testing is over and we officially start summer vacation. Only a few more weeks.

Hi Family 🙂 I’m guessing you are having a busy summer! I miss hearing what the kids are up to and seeing the beautiful photos. I hope all is well!
It has been a hard summer and i guess it’s time for me to post again. Hard to get started after so long. Thanks for thinking of us.
Hi, hoping everything is going well and hope to see you return to blogging soon
Hope to be back soon. We have had a difficult summer.
I hope everyone is okay <3
Thinking of you and your family as the holidays approach. I hope you are all finding comfort after your difficult summer. Just know you are in our thoughts and prayers.