Archives for March 2016

Not Yet

Somebody just wasn’t ready to go home yet — granddaughter, Reagan.

What We Are Reading

I haven’t done a post on the books we are reading in quite awhile. I’m going to leave out all of the books we read at Christmas and just go on from there. I feel like we haven’t been able to read as much since Piper and Tess arrived, but we are kind of getting back to reading most days. I don’t like to miss many days as it is the one thing I always do with the kids. But, it has been kind of hectic here since we got back from China — especially since we were sick so much.
We read Betsy-Tacy and Betsy-Tacy and Tib by Maud Hart Lovelace — which we had already read before, but we do that quite a lot it seems. Bethany and I both will enjoy the same book many times and everyone else seems ok with it, too. We then read Snowbound With Betsy and Deborah’s White Winter by Eleanor Frances Lattimore. Both of those were nice winter books to read. Then we read The Family Under the Bridge by Natalie Savage Carlson and most of the kids liked this book. I didn’t love it, but it was ok. Then we read Fair Bay by Eleanor Frances Lattimore — another re-read. Bethany and Andrew really like this book and one of my older daughters just told me the other day that it is one of her favorites. 




We then read Miss Hickory by Carolyn Bailey. Most of the kids liked this book. It was kind interesting, but not one of my favorites. Then we re-read Mandy by Julie Andrews Edwards and all the kids just love this book. I think it is the little cottage and garden and the fact that Mandy has a secret place that makes everyone love it so much. We read this book almost every single spring. I have been doing this for so many years I can’t remember how long. Many of my adult children loved this book. 








We are now about half way through Taffy and Melissa Molasses by Carolyn Haywood. We have also read this book before. Actually, it seems like many of the books we have read lately are re-reads. I’m not sure why the kids are wanting to read the same books again, but it is fine with me. I think I will make sure we choose a book we have never read for our next book. Well, a book I haven’t read with the kids that are still home.



The kids had a lot of fun flying the kite but had a little trouble getting it up and keeping it up as there really wasn’t much wind.


Tess just loves the sandbox. She runs to it the minute she gets outside. Piper gets bored in it very quickly – not Tess.



And while the kids flew the kite and played, Zola played the harp for us on the front porch – beautiful music.


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