Archives for April 2022

What We Are Reading

We have read a lot lately, but I will only mention the two books we finished this past week. First we read Thimble Summer by Elizabeth Enright. It was a really good book. A drought has threatened Garnet’s family’s future and things have been very hard on the farm where she lives. Then Garnet finds a silver thimble and things seem to change. Her family comes into some money and they can rebuild their barn, and a boy named Eric comes to stay with them. Things just seem to start looking up. The book takes you back in time to a wonderful summer for Garnet and is just a feel good story. We love most of Elizabeth Enright’s books and this book was greatly enjoyed.

We also read Little Prairie Girl by Sharon Kuepfer. Clara questions “are we rich… or poor?” Clara lives in Canada with her family that moved there from Russia. They have a very large family and not much money, but a lot of love. I think the thing the kids liked best about this book was all the Russian Mennonite recipes – one at the end of each chapter. We are planning to make some of the recipes this weekend. Tess especially loves to cook and bake. This was a quick simple read and we did enjoy it.

Oh, I do realize I have not posted that book list I said I would – though Bill has made a page tab for the list already. I will get that done soon.

I’m just going to post some more pictures of Aria from last year as I never posted any pictures of her until Easter, and she really wanted some pictures on the blog. So, I will play a little catch-up.

When Aria first got here one of the things she loved doing was feeding the birds and watching for them to come and eat. She is not exactly a calm child, but that is one thing she would actually sit and wait and watch for – birds.

Easter Sunday

Piper’s baptism on a beautiful Sunday morning.

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