Archives for February 2023

What We Are Reading

Today was the end of the month so we ended our Mark-My-Time and will restart tomorrow. We read 27 hours and 57 minutes this month. We finished Little Women by Louisa May Alcott and The Four-Story Mistake by Elizabeth Enright. We also read A Gathering of Days by Joan Blos and several of the Betsy books by Carolyn Haywood. We are now reading Then There Were Five by Elizabeth Enright and will then read the next in the series when we finish this book. It really is a great series. We did not love the first book but after that we have loved every single one of them and this is probably the third time we have read them in the past few years. I would highly recommend them. We read several other books and some very short ones along with our history and geography as we like to add a few extra books when we do school – makes it more interesting.

We had a busy week with lots of family over and the kids had a lot of fun outside most days. Bethany and Tess finished their Level 4 skating class and will start Level 5 next week. They absolutely love ice skating and it has worked out that we can go to lessons every week. As it gets closer to the end of the school year we try to make sure we get everything done and are ready for testing in May. Then we have summer vacation. I’m trying to decide if we will do some school this summer – maybe just some geography or a little history. Makes it easier during the school year if I do that. Not sure the kids will think it’s a great idea, but they probably would not really mind that much. I am starting to feel ready for a little vacation and I’m sure they are also. I guess I am really jumping the gun thinking of summer and vacation already, but it is nice to dream.

I kept Kennedy on Saturday while her mom and dad took a small trip. She was really good and she had to be very close to me most of the time. It was a rainy, cold day we stayed inside the entire day. She helped make crumb cake and then insisted on making a gingerbread house – then eating the candy off it. I didn’t get a lot of pictures as it was rather dark and dreary and I had my long lens on and I was too lazy to take it off. But, I did get this one.

A Beautiful Day

I really have nothing to blog about, but wanted to just remember this beautiful, warm winter day. It felt like spring and makes me long for spring and warm weather every day of the week. The kids ran and played and stayed outside almost all day without me even having to tell them to go out. The only thing missing was popsicles – the kids always ask for popsicles on spring like days and I was totally unprepared. Two of my grandkids even insisted they search my freezer as they could not believe I had none, but they, sadly, found out it was true. So, this evening I went to the store and bought some just in case we have another nice day this week and from what I have seen, Thursday is supposed to be a beautiful day. Now I will be prepared.

They stayed out till dark playing some game and as I watched them yelling and playing whatever it was they were playing, I felt happy that they had this lovely day and nieces and nephews to share it with.

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