I really have nothing to blog about, but wanted to just remember this beautiful, warm winter day. It felt like spring and makes me long for spring and warm weather every day of the week. The kids ran and played and stayed outside almost all day without me even having to tell them to go out. The only thing missing was popsicles – the kids always ask for popsicles on spring like days and I was totally unprepared. Two of my grandkids even insisted they search my freezer as they could not believe I had none, but they, sadly, found out it was true. So, this evening I went to the store and bought some just in case we have another nice day this week and from what I have seen, Thursday is supposed to be a beautiful day. Now I will be prepared.
They stayed out till dark playing some game and as I watched them yelling and playing whatever it was they were playing, I felt happy that they had this lovely day and nieces and nephews to share it with.
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