Not much to write about tonight. Late last night the 10th child got sick. It has been really hard to think of something to do that is easy, won’t take much time and we won’t have to leave the house — since I have been so busy with sick kids. So, tonight I asked the kids what we could do since the day had gone by and we had done nothing. Our minds seemed blank – even the kids and they usually have lots of ideas. Finally, Bethany said we should look for the Santa plate that we leave cookies on. Sounded easy so that was what they did. Doesn’t sound like much, but it was something and Tess was pretty thrilled with the plate. At first she thought it was for one of the kids to use and she wanted it to be her. Then Bethany explained we put cookies on it for Santa and that made her even happier. So, it was a success – though small. Only two more days. Hopefully, everyone will be well tomorrow but since Piper and Jordan haven’t been sick I am just waiting.
I'm so sorry that you are dealing with so many sick children! If there's a bright side, it's maybe that everyone will be healthy for Christmas and the New Year! Praying for health for your entire family, with special prayers for Joey. XOXOX