Gone Fishing

Bethany and Tess spent several days messing around with sticks and all kinds of stuff trying to make a fishing pole. Neither of them have ever fished or even held a fishing pole, but I think the thought came to them when they found a fishing hook out near a pond. They got it and brought it home and had this idea of making their own pole and going fishing. So, they worked several days on it and finally came up with a decent pole using a fairly large stick from the back yard. They were so excited to try it out and you know the fact that they made their own pole made it even more exciting.

The first time they tried to fish with it they spent about two hours and didn’t catch anything. It did not dull their enthusiasm one bit. They then went out Saturday in the pouring down rain determined to catch something. My granddaughter, Reagan, went with them. I figured after about an hour of being soaked they would return, but they did not. I think they were out about three and a half hours. When they got home they were absolutely soaked. They didn’t care one bit as they were so excited that they had caught two fish. They had me go out on the deck and look at them and you would have thought they had caught a huge monster fish with so many of the kids crowded around excited and yelling. They did come in and dry off and sit by the fire a few minutes and have some hot chocolate.

Then Bethany said she wanted to clean them and cook them for their dinner. Of course, neither she nor Tess had any idea how to do that so they watched two Youtube videos and then went out on the deck to give it a try. I was very impressed. I did not watch as it was just too much for me, but Bethany managed to cut the head off and clean them and get them ready to cook. Then she and Tess came in and cooked them and ate them. They said they were delicious and I think that had something to do with all the work they put into this.

They actually went back out with Reagan on Sunday and they each caught one fish. It did take them about 4.5 hours, but I think they enjoyed every minute of it. And, again, they cleaned and cooked and ate them – not Reagan though as she is a vegetarian. She just enjoys going with them.

Bethany told me she will be doing a lot of fishing this spring and summer.

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