Archives for October 2017

Lazy Saturday

I love weekends when I have absolutely nothing important I have to do. This was one of those days and I thoroughly enjoyed it. We were slow getting started this morning and then Meredith called and asked if we wanted to meet her and the kids for lunch at Einstein’s. So, we started moving and got ready and met them. It was nice to get together for a short time and the kids always love eating out. 
The rest of the day we did nothing. The kids played outside all afternoon with the girls next door and then came home and played in our backyard. I did do a little cleaning in my room with Claire and Sarah keeping me company for awhile. It didn’t actually seem like work today and I enjoyed getting things straight and eliminating some junk I didn’t need. 
The evening didn’t go much different and then on to bed for all the kids. It was a very pleasant day. 










CF Day

Today was Bethany’s appointment with her pulmonologist for her CF. It was a great visit! Her weight was good, she’s growing taller and her pulmonary function tests were really good — better than her last visit. This has been a good year for Bethany. We are blessed. 
Also, nothing to do with Bethany’s visit, but we started reading The Pink Maple House by Christine Govan in the evenings. I love, love this book and it was my favorite as a child. It is also such a favorite here. I can’t tell you how many times I have read this to my kids — those still here and those grown and gone. 

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