No matter how hot or humid it is – the kids still love to play outside. They have spent this week playing in the house they made of logs and tree stumps and a few paving stones — so easily pleased.
Archives for July 2013
What We Are Reading
Mon July 22, 2013 by 5 Comments
I just finished reading Betsy’s Busy Summer to Bethany and to any other kids that happened to sit and listen — usually two or three kids will listen. Even if they were a little old for the book, they still enjoyed it. Betsy’s Busy Summer was written in 1956. I seem to like reading the older books to my kids and they seem to love them — so it works for all of us. This book is kind of simple and not really exciting — just everyday happenings of a little girl and her friends during the summer. In one chapter, Betsy had a watermelon party with Japanese lanterns strung everywhere and now Bethany thinks we should have a party like that. I even looked on Amazon to see if they carried Japanese lanterns — just in case. It probably won’t happen, though. Now we have started Betsy and Billy which was written in 1941 — another old book.
When we are not reading, Bethany has spent a large part of her summer catching bugs and worms.
Bella and Sophia continue to grow and blend into our family — things are really going well.