Archives for February 2020

A Baby Shower

I gave my daughter, Katie, a baby shower last Saturday – she is 37 weeks. It was really nice and now I think she pretty much has all she needs. Katie has really breezed through this pregnancy and almost made me forget she is pregnant, sometimes. She makes being pregnant look like a piece of cake – I don’t think I have heard her complain once. Just a few more weeks and a new little baby girl!
My oldest daughter, Meredith, enjoyed the shower almost as much as Katie because she is due in June – also a baby girl – and she plans on taking all of the things that Katie’s baby has outgrown. 

CF Day

Monday was CF day for Bethany. It was her day to go to clinic and get her check-up, blood work done and do her PFTs. She has been feeling pretty good lately with the exception of some stomach problems that her doctor thinks might be her gallbladder. She looked good, her weight and height were good and her PFT was unbelievable – she blew the highest she has ever blown.  Even her doctor was amazed. He kept repeating her numbers over and over. It kind of took all of us by surprise – but it was a wonderful surprise. We are so blessed. 

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