Archives for November 2012

Virginia This Morning

This morning, Abigail was privileged to be able to play the harp with the American Youth Harp Ensemble on WTVR 6. The American Youth Harp Ensemble played “Sleigh Ride” and “Carol of the Bells” on Virginia This Morning.

We have had five of our girls play with this ensemble and every one of them has thoroughly enjoyed it. Zola and Abigail are currently our only girls in the ensemble  — Abigail in the Touring Ensemble and Zola in the Concert Ensemble. Occasionally, Katie still plays with the Touring, but since graduating she has been pretty busy. This group has provided many opportunities for our girls, including —  teaching, mentoring, traveling and definitely the discipline and value of hard work.

The nice thing about the AYHE is that they do so many community services. Sarah and Caroline have been able to play the harp in their Harp Therapy program, and they really enjoy it. It has been really good for them.  They are mentored by members of the AYHE who train to work with children with special needs. I think it is a great program, and we are blessed to have this opportunity, here in Richmond, for our girls with Down syndrome.

Thanksgiving and Christmas Preparations

We had a nice Thanksgiving with most of our kids home for the weekend, and friends over to share the day.  Megan hasn’t been home for the past two Thanksgivings, as she is in medical school and doesn’t usually have the time off. This year she was able to make it home. It was so nice to have her here. Emily was also able to come home from school and her boyfriend, Michael, came with her. We were glad he could come. We had a houseful  — I think 31 people. It was a lovely day and I think we all enjoyed it. 
Thanksgiving also marks the time we start bringing out the Christmas decorations. I love pulling everything out and going through it. The kids love helping and they all have ideas for decorating their rooms. So we now start decorating and preparing our hearts for Christmas. This is one of my favorite times of the year. I had been hoping that Bella and Sophia (Allysen) would celebrate this Christmas with us, but it was not to be. I’m sad they can’t be here, but know that it won’t be much longer and we will be bringing them home. I will use this time before they come to prepare for them. I am just thankful that we have been given the opportunity to love them and teach them and share our family with them. I am so thankful. 
Bethany with Megan
Our son, Michael, who did a lot of the cooking
Michael, Bethany and Megan


Sarah loves to play with Megan’s stethoscope




The day after Thanksgiving a bunch of our kids ended up on my bed. 


The Saturday after Thanksgiving we always get our Christmas tree.






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