Archives for September 2020


Today Bethany and Tess worked on making small baskets. It took several hours, but they both finished and their baskets are really cute. I got a picture of Bethany’s finished but had to run out before Tess finished hers and didn’t get a picture of hers completed. But, they both looked really nice and they had fun working on them. They said they might try making another one from some instructions we have in one of our pioneer books we have been reading. It does thrill me to see the things they come up with. 

Bethany has started learning to play the piano – well, teaching herself mostly with a little help from me. We will get her a teacher at some point, but right now she is doing great just learning notes and practicing easy songs from a beginner book we bought. She is just starting to practice some Christmas songs and I love hearing Christmas music. Today Zola was practicing Christmas music on the harp and then Bethany on the piano and it just made my day. 


Another Big Sister Treat

This afternoon the kids were playing outside and we got a delivery. It was another treat from another big sister, Anna. She sent all the kids Sonic Blasts and they absolutely loved them! It made for a great afternoon treat. Like I have said before – big sisters are great!


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