So, we really haven’t been up to much lately — getting school supplies, backpacks, and school books and doing a little shopping before we start school. I’m not really ready for school to start but most of the kids are. I’m trying to get everything organized and ready for the first day. I only have Bethany left to get books for and I am considering using Calvert for her as it provides everything we will need for the whole year in a box — even down to the pencils and glue. I think she would love getting the big box in the mail with so much stuff in it. We have used Calvert before and the kids seem to enjoy it.
Sarah has been restricted in her activities since her surgery. She is not suppose to climb trees, ride her bike or play on the rope swing. Of course, these are the things she likes best. I don’t think the restriction is related much to the existing blood clot but more due to her blood thinner medication. So, I have been trying to think of projects and activities for her and the other kids to do so she won’t be so bored. She just wants to go out and climb a tree but I just can’t let her. So, we have made the fairy jars, then we painted plates and mugs — actually drew on them with Sharpie pens then baked them, and today Zola painted some of the kids’ faces. They actually looked kind of cute and Zola enjoyed painting and the others enjoyed being painted.
I have no idea what to do next — I am not really into crafts but I am trying to learn to enjoy them a little more since Sarah spends so much time inside now — we do take her for walks and she plays a little but so misses the tree climbing and her rope swing.