Evelyn has continued to work on the outdoor kitchen. We have not gotten that much stuff, but she is doing a good job with what she has and I definitely plan on getting her a few more things. She has a lantern now and I need to get batteries for it and she needs a few more dishes and spoons. She has planted a strawberry plant to have in the kitchen and asked today if she could make us some desserts with the strawberries once the plant starts producing. Not sure those three tiny seeds she planted are going to really give us lots of strawberries, but we will see. It’s nice to see the kids enjoying the outdoor kitchen.
Saturday is our last day of testing and then some time to rest, make some ice coffee and sit on the porch. I am so ready.

Seems like yesterday that Bethany and Andrew were cleaning up the mud kitchen for the spring season. The years pass by so fast! I’m glad to see it is still loved.
I know. I am so glad Evelyn decided to fix it up and that gave Aria a new interest in it and then Bella. Bethany used to spend hours in it – I think she loved it the most.