It’s been so long since I got on here I don’t really know how to start back or what to say. We have had a lot going on with doctor visits and some ER visits, but everything is fine. We are finally settling down now and getting back into a routine. We have had some nice days this week outside and spending time together reading and talking by the fire as I know it won’t be long and we won’t have a fire again till fall.
We are reading The Valley of Adventure by Enid Blyton and we are all loving it. Two of the girls have already read it, but they still want to listen as they liked it so much. Even I have really enjoyed it and this is the first time I have read it. Well, I actually think I read it years and years ago when I was in school, but I can’t really remember much at all so it is like new to me. The girls ask me several times a day if we can read some more and I usually do. The book is about four children that are allowed to go on a flight to the country with a friend, but they accidentally board the wrong plane with a couple of men. The children realize the men are trouble and are able to sneak off the plane after it lands and find a cave to hide in – having no idea where they are. That is a very brief summary, but just enough to give an idea what the book is about. It’s worth reading for sure.
Yesterday, Abigail came over with Shep and August and visited several hours. We spent most of that time outside. Shep ran around and played and we sat on the porch watching. I got to hold August for a long time – he is such a good baby. Such a joy to hold.
Evelyn and Claire and Aria went through a small suitcase of old Barbie clothes that our next door neighbor gave us. They had to be over 20 years old. They sat on the porch so long and went through each piece. After we went back inside they took all the clothes and took turns choosing the pieces they wanted. It went really well most of the time, but there were a few pieces that were wanted by all. They are going to wash them next time Evelyn is over and then iron a few of them that need it. They were very excited over this. It reminded me of the time Katie gave Bethany her doll trunk years ago and Bethany spent an entire afternoon going through the trunk. Memories.
I think I am now back and ready to blog again. Sometimes it is hard to start back when it’s been so long. But, I’m not quite ready to stop this journal of my family. Almost every single day one of the girls is looking at an old blog book we made so I know I want to continue for them. They love those books.

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