Another Day Down

At this point we are just ready to come home. Living in a hotel room with two rowdy girls is not easy. They are bored. There is not a lot for them to do. We walk a lot and have gone sightseeing some, but that doesn’t interest them much. Today is a day we have nothing to do. We will walk some, go out to lunch and dinner and probably watch some TV. We almost never watch any TV at home as I prefer my kids to be making something, or playing or reading, etc. But, we sure have used the TV a lot here. It helps calm the girls down a little. 

We usually go to breakfast fairly early. Then go back to our room and check our email. Then we will go out and walk a little and maybe get coffee — if we have no appointments. We walk and take some pictures or maybe let the girls play in the room some — but, they don’t really enjoy this much. Then we go to lunch and the girls love to go to McDonald’s. They are at their quietest when eating there. Really. They barely make a sound. They concentrate on their food, drink and toy surprise. 

We usually try to sightsee again, or let the girls watch some TV in the afternoon when we have no appointments. Then, again, we walk and decide what we will do for dinner. They had Pizza Hut the other night and loved it. They love food. Then we give baths and get them ready for bed and give them their snack and let them watch TV again. They have coloring books and crayons and some drawing paper and a couple of games, but these don’t seem to hold their interest. I also brought dolls, but they care nothing for them. I guess they aren’t doll lovers. Today they started making paper airplanes and they had a blast for about 40 minutes — flying them, and running all over the room chasing them. It was nice to see them playing. I know they will be so glad to get out of this room and to our house. 
I sometimes wonder what they think. I mean they understand nothing we say. We have been in a hotel for so long do they think this is it? Our guide told us the other day that the girls were talking as if this was it. Our hotel was their new home. How awful. She told them that we were not going to live here forever, but I know it probably seems that way for them. It seems like a long time to me and I know when we are leaving and understand what is going on. We have told them we will be going to America soon so hopefully they understand. Our guide told us one day when we were riding in the van that they were asking each other if they were going to America. Soon girls. Soon. 

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