We finished Little Town on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder and we are done reading the Little House books for a little while as we have been reading them for months. We then read Betsy’s Busy Summer by Carolyn Haywood and Stella by Starlight by Sharon M. Draper. We had never read the Stella book before and it was really good. It takes place during the depression in a small town in North Carolina and it taught the kids some history along with some really good reading. After we finished the book we made a balm – they talked about making balms and salves at home in the book. We thought we would give it a try as the kids love making anything. It was a lavender balm that is supposed to help you sleep. We got all the stuff and heated it and it looked like a total flop. The entire jar full was just like water. I told the kids we definitely did something wrong, but we would try again. Then about 30 minutes later one of the kids came and told me it was hard – not hard but a nice consistency. I was so surprised it went from practically water to balm in so little time. It was fun to make and so easy and we are thinking of making it one more time after we order some small containers to put it in.
Our last book and the one we just started reading is Pie by Sarah Weeks. The kids are loving this book and it has a pie recipe in very chapter. We are making the apple pie tomorrow. We will not make every single pie, but plan on making quite a few. I think this book will definitely be a hit.
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