The Twenty-Four Days Before Christmas Day – 8

Today our special thing was to play a Christmas trivia game. Everyone really loved this and it was fun asking all the questions, though I knew some of the questions they would never get. But, it was a great game with lots of questions they did know the answers to. It had questions like – What Christmas word means turning of the sun? – Who was the voice of the conductor in “The Polar Express” ? – Where was baby Jesus born? – What much-ridiculed, Christmas treat is known for its long shelf life?

I think everybody got at least one correct and several got close to 20 correct. Some of the movies and dates of old songs they didn’t know. They want to play it again in a few days and see if they do better. But, regardless of whether they got 20 or 2 correct they all enjoyed it and want to play again. It was a good choice for our special thing.

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