Family Update

First, I wanted to ask for prayer for Joey as he has his MRI on Wednesday. MRI days are always stressful for us. I pray he is still stable or better yet – for shrinkage. 
We have been fairly busy here.  The kids have been working on different projects and just getting back into the school routine. Bethany is working on a dollhouse she has built of mostly Amazon boxes, I think. She is having a lot of fun with it. She has been painting it for the past day or so and now she is working on wallpaper. We went to AC Moore on Sunday and bought paper and some paint and small things she thought she would need. She has a lot of plans for this house and seems to really be enjoying the time she spends working on it. 

The girls spent quite a lot of time baking one day this past week. Zola had a friend over and they made lemon pie and said it turned out really good. The kids also made some cookies and bread. I like seeing them work together in the kitchen. 


Today we had our pumpkin muffins we always have on the first day of autumn. The kids always look forward to them. Today, they ate out on the deck as it was so nice. We had extras eating with us this year as my daughter from Louisiana was here visiting with her three children and fell down her sister’s stairs and broke her leg and foot in 8 places. She has had surgery to put in three plates but will probably have to have another surgery. She is still in the hospital and my daughter, Meredith, and I have the kids. I have Penny and Jack and Meredith has Oliver. So, it has been rather hectic here for the past week. The kids are adjusting fairly well, but miss their mom a lot – their dad, too. 

My daughter has months of recovery and therapy ahead of her. This is going to be a very slow process getting back on her feet.  
This is Jack sitting on the hearth this morning. He actually didn’t want a muffin. How can you not want a muffin for breakfast?
I snapped this last picture from the kitchen window. It is the kids out on the deck working on a nature study they do three times a week. They were having so much fun. The kids are all cousins except for Bella and she is the aunt. 


  1. There is never a shortage of cute children or good food at your house! I love the pictures. Will continue to pray nightly for Joey, and hope for great results tomorrow!

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