Today we read our book The Twenty-Four Days Before Christmas by Madeleine L’Engle in preparation for our Christmas season and starting our Twenty-Four Days Before Christmas. No matter how old our kids are they all want to do our 24 days. In case you haven’t followed us long and don’t know what I’m talking about it’s this: we got the idea from this book to do something special every single day in December till Christmas. So, for twenty-four days we will do some special thing each day – though it may be really small like putting candles in the windows or decorating the tree or just having hot chocolate. The kids have all loved doing this for years and they all want to keep this tradition. So, tomorrow will start our twenty-four days. Hope you join us.

Polly December 1, 2020 at 6:37 PM
Your posts during these 24 days always make me feel so happy, with all the traditions and beautiful photos of the kids. It will be especially wonderful this year, as I have not seen my 7 great nephews since last February, due to coronavirus. I am used to celebrating 7 birthdays, plus all of the holidays with them.