Written Approval and Travel Dates!

Today we received written approval and on top of that our travel dates!! I could not believe it when I read the email. I wasn’t even looking to have written approval for another week or two. What a great surprise today! When I got the email I was thinking something must be wrong. I knew we were just waiting for written approval at this point, and I knew it was too soon for that, or at least I thought it was. I was thinking 3 to 4 weeks after verbal approval — not 2 weeks! The best surprise I have had in a very long time. We will travel on June 9th – 24th. I was so excited that three of my daughters and I went out and bought some toys for the girls. What fun! 
I had planned on updating today about my 12 year old so I will do that anyway. Zola accepted Christ and was baptized on Sunday. It was a very special day for us. Zola is a very sweet girl and has decided that she wants to live her life for Christ. We are so happy with her decision.  Here are a few pictures of Zola.
 Zola – age 7

Zola – age 8

Zola – age 9

Zola – age 12


  1. Wow! Congratulations on your speedy approval and travel dates. I pray ours goes just as quickly when the time comes!

    Also, praising with you on the wonderful blessing of your daughter accepting Christ.

  2. Woohoo so so happy for you!!!

    Zola is absolutely stunning!

  3. Wonderful news on both counts! I've said it before and I'll say it again, you have a beautiful family. Your children, including Zola, are gorgeous. Maybe that's another benefit of a loving home!

    Sue H.

  4. Beautiful!!! An YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!

  5. Wow! Congratulations!!
    I can't believe we are STILL waiting! 🙁

  6. I know — I have been following your blog and was watching to see how long it took you to get travel dates to kind of judge how long it would be for us. Then, we get travel dates first — I couldn't believe it. I immediately checked your blog to see if you had gotten dates the same day I did but you had not. I'm so sorry — hopefully you will get them soon. I pray you will have your dates in a few days.

  7. Thank you. Every adoption process seems so crazy!

  8. Oh my goodness Sharon I just saw this! SUCH exciting news! I can't wait to follow your journey. I miss my Bulgarian Beauty so much so maybe your blog will help me feel a little bit closer to her!

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