
I had promised the girls that we would work in one of the gardens today and since we got so busy we didn’t get around to it till evening. It was sprinkling a little and getting dark, but we decided we wanted to finish the one garden bed we had been working on. So, we finished up one bed and started on the other one. There are only blackberry bushes in both gardens and not very big ones yet. We planted them last year and they have grown right much, but still aren’t very big yet. We enjoyed working in the evening with a tiny bit of rain and the spring warmth. It was a beautiful night. We worked till almost dark and then decided to call it an evening and finish up on Friday since it is supposed to rain all day tomorrow.

It brings me joy that the girls enjoy working in the garden so much and that it is something we can enjoy together. Bethany told me this evening that she is really enjoying working in the yard this spring and has some more ideas of things we could do. It is nice having helpers that enjoy what they are doing. I think we will be doing a lot of gardening for the next month or two.

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