The weather has been so beautiful for the past few days that we have been outside a lot. We have cleaned up the yard a little and mulched some and Bethany and Tess have pulled all the weeds around the Hydrangea and then trimmed the small Azaleas that were looking awful. They are going to mulch the garden tomorrow. It is looking really good. They did this to earn a little money to take with them the next time they go to Kings Dominion, but they said they actually enjoyed getting out and working in the yard a little.

We also spent a lot of time on the porch just talking and the kids playing games, eating watermelon and ice cream. We have really enjoyed the past few days. Aria has been showing Piper how to stand on her head and they have all played soft ball and Bethany and Tess brought the badminton rackets around front to play so they could be close to everyone else. It probably sounds pretty boring, but we have had a really great time just working and playing together. Oh, and we also spent this afternoon at the pool with Megan and her kids and Meredith and Abigail and their kids. We all had a great time.

We are also starting a new book – Adventure Awaits by Karen Kingsbury. Hoping everyone will like it. We plan on doing a lot of reading this summer – not that we don’t read a lot anyway – but, plan on a lot of peaceful days of reading and snacks and just spending lots of time together. We do have some classes coming up – photography camp, swimming lessons, ice skating lessons continue and the Bible school. So far we have had a great summer (even though we know actual summer is still a few days away).
This doesn’t sound boring at all! I spent my entire childhood outside, and it brings back a lot of memories of the simpler times I grew up in!