A Difficult Time

It’s been a long time since I have been here and written anything. I have had several nice emails asking how we are and asking if I would be back blogging soon. So, thought I would go ahead and do a post.

It has been a very hard month here. On June 1st, I babysat for my oldest son while he went to the doctor for a throat problem. I thought he would be back by early evening but things didn’t go as planned. He ended up having a CT scan which showed no problem with his throat, but did show he had swelling in his brain. This led to an MRI to see if he had a tumor. Around three something in the morning I got the text that there was no tumor and so I went to sleep feeling relieved.

The next morning Shannon (DIL) let me know they were 80% sure it was viral encephalitis. He would be in the hospital another few days then go home to finish recovering. Within 20 minutes of finding that out I got another message to forget that — some other doctors had come in and they disagreed. So, long story short — they said they thought he did have a tumor but it was hard to tell because of all the inflamation. He had a biopsy on June 6th and got the results the following week — malignant stage III brain tumor. We have all been in shock and this has been hard to accept. We ask for your prayers for our son.

So, we have been busy researching things and getting a second opinion and just preparing for his treatments. He starts radiation and chemo next week. Because of it’s location, it is inoperable.

So, basically our lives have pretty much revolved around this diagnoisis for the past month and we have been trying to do all we can to help them. Things have gotten pretty busy for them and they have two little ones — a one year old and a two year old. We live only 5 minutes from them so that makes helping a lot easier.

So, I have taken few pictures and we have done very little for the past month or so. We did cookout on the 4th of July and everybody came. It was nice and I think we all realized how important family is — even more than usual. I will say that I agree with Bill — he said he has been so proud of all our kids and how they have pulled together to help however they can.

I have felt bad for Piper and Tess during all of this as it seems it is very hard for me to concentrate on all the things I need to do for them, and with them. None of this is how I expected things to go when I first brought them home. But, they are doing well and seem very happy. Tess was talking to me the other night and she said “I Chinese” and I said “yes” and she then said,” you America?” and I told her yes I was an American. Then she said “I no go back to China — I stay here. I stay in America.”






Tess turned 8 years old in June. She got a bike and she has been thrilled ever since.


 Also, on July 1st our daughter, Megan, had a baby boy — on her birthday. She is doing her reisdency in Georgia so is not very close to home. We have not been able to get to see little Jack yet. He is adorable for sure.



  1. I will pray for your son and all of you.

  2. Dear Sharon – I am so, so sorry about your son. I will pray for all of the treatments to be THE ONES that bring healing. Hugs to you – Jo

  3. Sharon, I'm so very sorry about your son. Please keep us updated. I'd love to see a picture of your son and his family (or him in a group shot of your family) so I can envision who I am praying for.


  4. Wow. I'm shocked. I'm so sorry to hear this. Please keep us updated so we can know how to pray.

    Your new grandson is absolutely adorable 🙂

  5. Oh, I am so sorry to hear this news. I was hoping you were just busy and didn't have time for an update. I will definitely keep your son, and all of his family in my prayers!

  6. Dear Sharon,

    I only know you through years of reading your blog and enjoying the beautiful pictures of your sweet children, but I truly hurt for you in this shocking news. I am praying for your son, his family, and all of you. May the love and peace of Almighty God surround your family. Mark 4:37-41


  7. My prayers are with you all.

  8. Dear Sharon,

    I am so saddened by this distressng news, but hope that the treatments will be effective. Is your son involved in any genetic tests? A friend of mine diagnosed with glioblastoma underwent genetic testing to help target her treatment more precisely. She is doing well at present. Hospitals affiliated with Mayo's and I think other major research hospitals are making use of this form of individualized research to help their patients.

    Your son and all of his family will be in my prayers.

    Thinking of all of you,
    Susan in Kentucky
    Cousin to 2 from U.

  9. Praying for healing, peace and strength for all of you.

  10. I am so sorry I had not visited here in a while. I am devastated to hear this news. (((HUG))) We sadly know some of what you are going through because of our SP's brain tumor. We are praying, every time I think of and pray for my SP I will remember your son. Your prayers for SP meant so much to us. Life can be so hard sometimes. But I see so many beautiful moments of JOY on your blog to brighten my day too! :o) My Gabriel was adopted from the US but he always told us how he loved being American! :o)

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