Today, my son John came over and tilled a garden and planted it — cucumbers, carrots, cauliflower, tomatoes and peppers. We still have corn, watermelon, strawberries and pumpkins to plant, but I felt like he really got a lot done today. It took me awhile to decide where I wanted the garden. I didn’t want it in the middle of the yard or right in the way of things, but finally we found a spot that seemed to work and he worked on it all afternoon. It really does look great and I am so happy with it.
It became quite a family affair. Everybody wanted to watch and help. So, the kids played around the area and watched John till, hoe and plant. He planted some seeds and some plants. It was quite a job.
Meredith brought her kids over and I got this picture of Asher blowing a bubble. He has a birthday coming up soon.
It was a nice day and we got a lot done — actually, John got a lot done and we watched. It will be nice to be able to go outside and pick some of our very own vegetables.
Evelyn’s face is a little dirty — don’t you think?
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