We had snow and then a lot of ice this weekend. The kids were not as interested in playing outside in all the ice and it was pretty cold. So, our weekend was pretty slow and lazy – mainly playing games, reading and making a few more troll clothes. It was nice and cozy inside with our fire burning and the ice coming down. Bethany and Tess did spend a little while this morning pulling icicles off the house and some were pretty big.
We read The Year of Miss Agnes by Kirkpatrick Hill and enjoyed it. The kids laughed a lot as I read this book. It’s basically the story of a new teacher that comes to a town in Alaska where all the teachers end up leaving pretty quickly. This teacher is different – she doesn’t get frustrated with the kids easily, she gets rid of all their old textbooks and then she brings out her own books. All the kids love her new way of teaching, but they can’t help but wonder if she will be leaving them soon just like all the other teachers. The girls did like this book and it was a quick read. I can’t say it was a favorite, but it was different than what we have been reading lately and sometimes a change is nice. Though, we are still trying to find another book similar to The Four Story Mistake and Then There Were Five. Those two books thrilled the kids.
Bethany and Tess made a few more clothes for the trolls and I enjoyed watching their creations.

Anonymous February 16, 2021 at 12:03 AM
There’s one more Melendy family book, “Spiderweb for Two”. A little hard to find, but well-worth it!
Your girls are becoming quite the troll couture experts.
Still have power at my house, but three inches of sleet rather than eight inches of snow fell today. More on the way on Wednesday and Thursday. Will be happy to see spring this year!
Keep warm,
Susan in Kentucky
Sharon Edwards February 16, 2021 at 7:34 AM
I think we actually have that book, but read somewhere it was not as good as the others. I guess we should give it a try since you recommend it. I thought I read that most of the kids are gone in that book – that sounded sad to us. I guess we will give it a try. We sure did love the other books in the series and have been looking for similar books. We also loved Gone Away Lake and Return to Gone Away.
Polly February 18, 2021 at 9:19 PM
Those girls have a lot of talent…sewing, cooking, knitting, painting…it’s fun to see what they manage to turn out!
I was wondering how Sophia is doing? I usually catch a glimpse of her in a Christmas photo, but this year was so crazy for you guys!
Sharon Edwards February 19, 2021 at 7:36 AM
Sophia is doing pretty well – at the doctor this week for her seizures. Had to have her meds upped as they were not doing the job anymore.
Emily March 2, 2021 at 8:28 PM
It makes me so happy that your family loved the Melendy family so much!!! The Saturdays series of one of my VERY favorites! Have you read “Thimble Summer,” also by Elizabeth Enright? It’s another favorite of mine!