The Twenty-Four Days Before Christmas – Day 5

Today our special thing was to get the box of snacks for the package and mail people done. Tess got an Amazon box and put wrapping paper around it and we put in tissue paper and filled it with all kinds of things to eat. The kids especially like doing this as my kids like anything involving food. We also put some small bottles of water out to go along with the snacks. We hope our package people enjoy – and we do get a lot of packages this time of year.

We also decided to decorate the tree. We got our ornaments out of the attic and the kids had fun finding the ones that were theirs and even their older siblings. We only had two broken ornaments. We almost finished, but still have a little to do tomorrow – mostly me climbing up the ladder to do the top. I feel a lot better with the tree decorated and the room feels nicer. We also brought in the tree for the library and got it in the stand and it is ready for lights tomorrow and possibly decorating. For some reason I especially enjoy our little library tree.

We also had a little visitor today – Shep. He loved our advent calendar and the gold twine for our packages. We loved seeing him today.


  1. Lovely! Such a great tradition

    How’s Sophia doing? She must be so grown up!

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