First Week of School

We started school this week and most of the kids were ready though some not as excited as others. We do tend to take our first week slow and ease back into everything. I have bought some biographies and historical fiction to go along with history and I’m kind of excited about that. I really like to include literature along with our history every year. So, I think we have everything we need for a good, productive and hopefully fun year.

We had a birthday party here on Saturday for Evelyn who turned 8 and there were lots of kids and lots of fun. Then today Evelyn and Liam come to play after church. It was a nice day – a little cooler than usual and the kids spent the afternoon playing Scrabble. Bethany, Sarah and I ended our day by visiting my mom for awhile and then got sandwiches and ice cream on the way home. It was a nice end to the day.

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