The Twenty-Four Days Before Christmas – Day 18

Today was another beautiful day in the 60’s. I told everyone I just wanted a relaxing day enjoying the decorations and Christmas music and maybe doing a few things to finish up by Christmas. It was a great day. Our special thing today was that the girls decided this was the day they were going to make some paper chains with the colorful paper that a friend gave us. She sent us a lot of paper in strips ready to make paper chains and the paper was so pretty. It started with a few of the girls and within 10 minutes almost all of them were working on the chains. Even Sarah joined in and so much of the time she will just watch. But, today she worked hard on her chain. They all turned out really pretty and Tess and Piper hung them in the dining room. It looked nice.

I decided to get the orange slices done so we could get them on the tree so I sliced the oranges and put them in the oven for several hours. They turned out nice. It would have been nicer if I could have found blood oranges, but I had no luck. Then I made some more potpourri and it smells delicious. It was a very relaxing day. We enjoyed our day and spent a lot of time just talking about Christmas and expectations and remembering the true reason for the season.

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