Bethany’s vest machine gave out the beginning of this week and we immediately had to order a new one. Without a machine we have to do hand PT and that seems hard after all these years with a vest. She had 868.4 hours of vest usage on her machine when it died and the next day we got a brand new machine and she has started all over again on her new one. She spends a lot of time on that machine.
We ended our month with 20 hours and 24 minutes on our Mark-My-Time. Today we started it all over again for February. We finished two of the Betsy books with mainly Aria listening, though the others occasionally listened. Tomorrow we will start a new book. We are still reading Little Women, but now are in the second part of it. Everyone is really enjoying it though a few of the kids have a hard time following it. Not sure what we will read when we finish this, but I’m already looking for a new book. I love finding new books we have never read and end up loving. We also love reading our favorites over and over. Guess a lot of people don’t enjoy doing that – I know I told my mom the other day we like to read the same books several times and she said she never reads a book twice. She thought it was strange we did. We love our old books and love adding new ones to our library.
These pictures have absolutely nothing to do with this post, but we did a little cooking lately and I just want to post a couple of pictures. Tess loves to cook.

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