Bethany had another air clearance machine go bad and had to get a new one. This one didn’t seem to last long at all – only 691.5 hours. But, they were fast to ship and she had a new machine in a day. That really helps as we have to do hand PT until a new one arrives.
It has, again, been so long since I posted that it is hard to get back into it. It isn’t that we haven’t been doing anything this summer – we have actually been fairly busy. With a lot going on I didn’t take the time to sit and blog and then I felt like I had nothing to say. But, as I always say – I wasn’t ready to give it up entirely. So, I am trying again to be a little more frequent.
A few of the girls worked a little on the outdoor kitchen this summer – though not as much as they usually do. They asked Bethany if she would make them a tablecloth for it and she did along with a few dish clothes. We then bought a clothesline for it and I noticed today that the girls had put it up.
We have spent time with family again. That has been so nice after a year of hardly seeing each other at all. Today I was blessed by three of my older girls coming to visit and bringing their children. All the kids played together and the adults had a little time to talk. It was nice.
We have been working on a new blog – the same blog but a different host. We had several reasons for doing this. We felt it was time, though I have a hard time changing. The hardest thing for me is if we can actually get all the emails to transfer over and get the notice out that I have posted. It may be a little tricky for me at first. You can go to the new blog and sign up to follow and receive emails when I post by going to
I am posting this on my old blog and I probably will be posting from the new one next time. I am just hoping it all goes smoothly and everyone gets the notification that I have posted.
I feel like summer is almost over and I did have so many things I planned that we haven’t done yet. Hopefully we can still fit in a few more things.

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