The Kite

Today Bethany tried out one of the kites I bought this fall. We have several and today while the other kids were playing she decided to give one of them a try. It didn’t seem that we had much wind, but when I looked out her kite was way up in the sky and flying so well. She didn’t fly it long in the backyard as there are so many trees for it to get caught in.

I have much to catch up on. We are doing well in school, reading several good books and trying to get a lot done around the house. The work around the house is not going as well as I would like – so many things to get done and it seems everything takes so long. We are taking down wallpaper in Bethany’s and Tess’s room and then need to paint, get new beds, and put new flooring down. This is going much slower than I planned. They really want it finished before Thanksgiving as then they want to start decorating their room for Christmas. We just finished painting Piper’s room and putting in a new rug and now just need to get new pictures for her wall and hang them. These are just the beginning of the things I wanted to get done this fall – if only I could do things as fast as my daughter, Meredith. When she wants something done it gets done and fast. I don’t seem to have that knack.

I will catch up on what we are reading soon. We have read several good books this fall. Again, I seem to be slow lately.


  1. Would love to see your new rooms when they are finished !

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