We finished The Secret Garden, which is one of our favorite books to read in the spring as we plan a garden and buy flower seeds. We read it almost every spring which might seem like overkill to some, but we love it and it never gets old to us.
We are now reading The Trolley Car Family by Eleanor Clymer. We really like this book. It is about the Parker family – mom, dad, and four children. Mr. Parker loses his job driving a trolley car and they can no longer afford to live in their house. The trolley car company does give Mr. Parker a trolley car when they let him go and the Parkers have this idea of taking the trolley car out to the country and living in it while dad looks for a new job. The kids think it’s a wonderful idea and are so excited to get started.
Their grumpy neighbor ends up going with them to help get the car moved – with the help of his horse and one borrowed horse. He also decides to take a vacation and stay a while. The Parker family turns the trolley into a home with a place to sleep and eat and even a place to sit and visit with each other. They get chickens, and a cow, a kitten and start a garden. They meet a wonderful family that lives nearby who helps with milk and eggs and canning until the Parkers get their place going.
My girls really like this book and so do I. They love the adventure of moving out to the county and getting animals and learning to garden and making jam from the berries they pick. It was also another good book to read in the spring as we try to get our garden started. This also makes my girls want chickens even more – they have talked about chickens for a couple of years.
I’m just posting a few pictures from the past week. We have had grandkids over, gone to Liam’s ballgames, worked in the garden and bought a few plants.

Oh, and I forgot that Evelyn and Aria finally got around to washing the doll clothes that were given to us by our neighbor. They had already gone through them and divided them and planned to wash them outside on a nice day. They ended up doing it in the kitchen floor on Sunday afternoon as it was a little cool to do it outside.

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