We have been back to school now for three weeks and it’s really going well so far. It was kind of nice to get back on a schedule. We have been reading a lot as usual, and I have been looking for some new books to read – not necessarily new, but new to us. Right now we are reading Across Five Aprils by Irene Hunt and the kids seem to like it ok, but probably not their favorite. We have also been reading a lot of books on autumn and nature since this is about my favorite time of year.

We made our pumpkin muffins for the first day of autumn as usual.

Reagan, Asher, Finn and Georgia also came to visit and Reagan and Tess did a lot of baking – something they both love to do.

I have blogged so little in the past couple of months it is kind of hard to get back into doing it. I want to keep the blog up though as the kids love to look at it and use it as a kind of journal. So, I am going to try to do a better job of getting on here. We are planning to try to get out a little this fall because we have not gone anywhere all spring or summer. We won’t be going to places with a lot of people, but probably do more nature walks, and we plan on apple picking and pumpkin carving. Once we apple pick I’m sure we will be baking and baking and I am hoping Reagan, my granddaughter, will be able to come over and help make apple pies and apple crumble and apple turnovers. We are ready for fall.

RachelOctober 9, 2020 at 2:05 PM
Have you read the All of a Kind Family books? Also – Peggy Parish has a lovely mystery series my daughter loves. I think the first one is called Keys to the Treasure.
Sharon Edwards October 9, 2020 at 2:30 PM
We have read the All of a Kind Family books but not the a Peggy Parish ones. I will have to look into those. Thanks.